/When I tell you that this is the best action movie I've seen in awhile...I do not exaggerate! The car stunts in this flick make the Fast and Furious franchise look like a movie about bumper cars.
From the first frame to the last, I was riveted by the acting, stunts and overall story line. It sort of has a little Godfather quality in the respect of "...every time I try to get out...they pull me back in."
Baby Driver focuses on a young driver literally named Baby, who has lost his parents in a terrible car accident. While trying to survive and take care of his foster father, he inadvertently tries to con the wrong person and finds himself in a position where he has to pay off his debt. Once this debt is paid, Baby is ready to bounce and start a new life with his new-found girlfriend. The hitch is this task won't be as easy as he had hoped it would be..
I would be remiss in saying that I although I adore Jaime Foxx, it seems as though his film roles since his Oscar for Ray have been less than stellar. This man is brilliant!!! Can a brotha' get some quality Denzel-esque opportunities. And...the thing that was most disturbing is, of course, he is the first one to die (which is an honor usually saved for black folks in horror flicks)!
Jaime Foxx and the cast of "Baby Driver"
Jon Hamm sure knows how to turn an image on its head. This Emmy winner was like Chucky! He just would not die and was über creepy. I loved how he literally has turned his brand upside down. His handsome bad boy gone wrong for his true love is heartbreaking yet predictable.
Watching Kevin Spacey have a shoot out was a real blast and I often enjoy his chilly coolness with his characters. You don't know if you want to fear him or slap him into the next millineum...LOL
Of course, the real star of this film is Ansel Elgort (Baby) and Lily James (Debora). Between Elgort's baby face and James' wide-eyed innocence, you are instantly sucked into their characters and their story. When they have that little Bonnie and Clyde moment toward the end, you pray that the bullets aren't showered in their direction.
Baby Driver is in theaters now and is a roller coaster ride of epic proportions! You really want to put this one on your summer radar.