Who Ya' Gonna Call - GHOSTBUSTERS

Who Ya' Gonna Call - GHOSTBUSTERS

Of course, anyone who has EVER read my blog in the past knows that I adore Melissa McCarthy!!!! She is a "comedy goddess" and can do no wrong in my book and along with there cohorts! Kudos to Amy Pascal for bringing some girl power to the producing team and I am totally looking forward to the sequel. "I ain't 'fraid of no ghost!!!"

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Remember Our Troops: Memorial Day Flicks To Watch


Memorial Day is often confused with Veteran's Day.  Many of you are probably wondering what the difference is?  Memorial Day is to honor those slain in the line of duty or as a result of wounds sustained in battle while serving their country.  Veteran's Day is the day in which we take time to thank ALL veterans for their service to our country. Now, if your plans to commemorate those who lost their lives include a picnic, cookout or some type of party - BE SAFE.  However, if you choose to do so quietly at home with loved ones or friends, here some flick you might want to check out...


While on a USO/DOD tour, having just performed for the troops, we were invited to attend a screening of Stripes.  It was hilarious!!!  The guys would laugh at stuff that clearly was an inside joke and when they shared it with us we chuckled too!  Baby, when Bill Murray says "Razzle Dazzle" we would howl!!!  If you haven't seen it, the film kinda makes fun of all the serious things one identifies with regarding the military.  Unlike some of the other films, I mention, this one will really bring a smile to your face.



Having several members of the military in my family, but never having lost any of them to war - this film was probably the hardest for me to watch.  I can't even imagine being the family that receives this type of news, however, have you ever thought of the anguish and sorrow that comes along with the person delivering the news.  Woody Harrelson gives one of his many stellar performances in this film.



Steven Spielberg, Matt Damon, Tom Hanks and the storming of Normandie...that is all



Before Charlie Sheen's shenanigans and being known for "winning", he gave an award worthy performance in Oliver Stone's war masterpiece...



Denzel Washington earned his first of two Oscar wins alongside Matthew Broderick and Morgan Freeman in this unforgettable flick about the first all-black company to fight in the Civil War



Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, affects almost 30 percent of the 834,467 Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans treated through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Consumed by anger and traumatic memories long after their return, soldiers often resort to drugs or suicide to end their suffering.

Filmmaker Laurent Bécue-Renard provides a searing account of how the disorder has affected veterans and their families in Of Men and War. The film offers an unparalleled look at the enduring consequences of PTSD and the role treatment can play in helping soldiers reclaim their lives. An Official Selection of the 2014 Cannes Film Festival, the documentary has its national broadcast premiere during the 29th season of POV(Point of View)on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30, 2016 at 10 p.m. on PBS. (Check local listings.)


Of Men and War is a production of Alice Films.

Of Men and War Trailer



THE UNKNOWNS reveals the training of the elite group of soldiers at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. These Sentinel's guard the Tomb 24 hours a day, 365 days a year through snow, heat, and rain to honor those that have fallen in the line of duty to grant us the freedoms that we enjoy today.


THE UNKNOWNS is produced by Army Veterans Ethan Morse and Neal Schrodetzki. Because they both had the honor of serving at the Tomb, they were given an unprecedented level of access from the US Army, allowing them to bring a unique perspective to the rigorous and intricate training process that soldiers must endure to be stationed there. The film is also produced by Matthew Little and executive produced by Mark Joseph (Reagan, The Vessel, America: Imagine the World Without Her).


Carla Renata

Fellow Movie Lovers...

Carla Renata aka The Curvy Film Critic is a graduate of Howard University and named one of 2018’s Underrepresented Critics of Color by the Los Angeles Times. Her reviews, articles and/or op-ed's have been featured at AAFCA.com, Ebony.com, NPR.org, her own site The Curvy Film Critic, ET Live! Maltin on Movies, Ebert.com, as well as Shadow and Act, EUR Web, FOX 11-LA and Variety. She has served as a moderator, host or gust film expert for MPTF’s Night Before the Oscars, Good Day LA, Fox 11-LA, Film Independent’s Spirit Awards backstage and hosted an evening of The Black Experience on Film for Turner Classic Movies sponsored by AAFCA.

Being a proud member of AAFCA (African American Film Critics Association), (OAFFC) The Online Association of Female Film Critics, (AWFJ) Alliance of Female Journalists, Tomato-meter approved critic on Rotten Tomatoes and a member of (CCA) Critics Choice Association.

The Curvy Critic with Carla Renata streams LIVE every Sunday 5pm PST via YouTube featuring reviews, news and interviews with talent in front and behind the camera.