Wonder Woman is a badass superhero in the form of Gal Godot making this energetic, beautifully shot action-adventure flick the highlight of the summer blockbusters thus far!
This prequel, which delves into the origins of this strong-willed amazon, is a rollercoaster ride from first frame to the last. Taking place roughly a century earlier, Wonder Woman comes to "Man's World" for the first time during World War I. It was not lost on me that this is literally the third film I have seen this year directed, written and produced by a woman (Patty Jenkins)and starring a woman! Who says women don't rule the world!!!
The first time audiences were exposed to this version of Wonder Woman was in last year's Batman v. Superman, in which she stole the show from under the noses of Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) and Clark Kent (Henry Cavill).
When we catch up with Diana Prince she is opening an envelope which contains a photo of her along a group of men, essentially, the heroes of this movie. But whatever happened to them after that photo was taken …?
Wonder Woman ( Gal Godot) and her heroic crew.
What Lois Lane is to Superman, Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) is to Wonder Woman. As much of a sidekick as a love interest, without Steve Trevor, there wouldn't even be a Wonder Woman … although that doesn't mean she can't operate just as well without him. After all, it the event of her saving him that results in her becoming the ultimate superhero.
The chemistry between Godot and Pine is precious and palpable. She for her sexual vulnerability and he for his humorous, yet grounded sexuality. Pine isn't the only sidekick for Wonder Woman. The whole motley crew involves a wanna be actor (Saïd Taghmaou), a self-proclaimed sharp shooter (Ewen Bremmer) and an Indian Chief (Eugene Brave Rock)...talk about diversity!!! There is even a line uttered by Sameer (Saïd Taghmaou) where he literally makes reference to his inability to pursue an acting career because of the color of his skin. this character may take place more than 100 years ago, but clearly some issues stay the same.
The villains Dr. Ludendorff (Danny Huston), Sir Patrick (David Thewlis), Dr. Maru (Elena Anaya) and Diana's Mom and Auntie aren't too shabby either. I would've loved to see more scenes on Paradise Island withHippolyta (Connie Nielsen) and Antiope (Robin Wright) mostly because there was some Amazon sista's and because they exhibited girl power at its best and brightest!
As a throwback to the days I watched with anticipation and excitement as Linda Carter did her thing with her last and shield on ABC back in the day, the best part of my screening experience was watching hundreds of little girls dressed as their favorite superhero. Nice to know that children's imagination and enthusiasm has not been tainted by the climate of our current world affairs.
Wonder Woman is a film that will indulge and entertain children of all ages and the adults might have a good time too. It opens on June 2nd worldwide!!!